Dec 26, 2010

500 BLOG !

The simple things in life capture me. Photography is my air, it's not something I will ever go without. I'm disobedient, defiant, and rebellious. Trouble calls out to me. I get away with all my little endeavors and I'm trying to live my life to the fullest. A hopeless romantic that isn't sharing her heart anytime soon. I truly love my life right now, well for now. I'm Shazwyna bytheway :)

Reason I became a blogger ? Because this is where I can share about my daily life story and my thought. Lepas tu bila awyn fikir, daripada layan facebook atau online games ada jugak faedah kalau awyn buat blog kan. Blogging ni best tau. Kita dapat tau benda-benda yang sebelum ni kita tak tau bila tengok bloggers lain punya blog. Eh kat blog pun ada blogshops kan. Jadi boleh la cuci mata. Hehe :D

Korang nak join jugak 500 BLOG ? Korang click banner kat atas tu okay. Bila korang kelip mata dah sampai kat blog Abang Ben. Cepat tau sebab hanya 500 yang terdahulu yang akan disenaraikan. I'm done ! Bye-bye dear readers

1 comment:

  1. hai..mamat pun dh join..
    salam kenal dari mamat..
    nanti follow mamat aw..
    tkut sdih mamat nnti..huhu



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